Payer Authenication
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Verified by Visa / MasterCard Secure Code
The Verified by Visa (VbV) and MasterCard® SecureCode™ (MCSC) programs
aim to increase consumer confidence in online shopping and reduce fraud.
To encourage VbV/MCSC adoption, Visa and MasterCard offer significant
benefits including: Fraudulent chargeback protection (per the
rules of Visa and MasterCard) even on non-enrolled cards, interchange
discounts averaging 20 basis points per transaction, dramatic reduction
in the fraud screening costs/manual review and expanded internationally
with protection.
In order to use the Planetauthorize Payer Authentication service the merchant must use QuickClick or the Planetauthorize Three Step API. The Planetauthorize Three Step Redirect API applies a three step methodology where sensitive credit card information is transmitted directly to the payment gateway through an end-to-end Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection, bypassing the merchant's server and payment application. Planetauthorize's Three Step Redirect provides a solution to ensure secure data transmission by keeping merchants from seeing, touching, handling, transmitting, or storing any sensitive payment details.
Payer Authentication benefits:
Fraud - Protect your business against
fradulent transactions
Consumer Confidence -
Protect your customer's identity
Per Transaction Costs -
Lower your interchange discount rate up to 20 basis
Compliance -
Verified by Visa and MasterCard Secure Code are programs
developed to help with PCI Compliance
- Merchants can register for the Payer Authentication service by accessing their Planetauthorize gateway account. For more information call SaleManager, toll free, at 1-800-918-4890.